
About us


Surya Products is an organization that was started in 1990 by Mr T.Nageswara Rao (Founder of the Company) to serve the market with the best products at very reasonable rates. Surya Products now deal in over 300+ SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) and have everything a household will need in terms of Grocery products and source these directly from the farmers. Surya Products are sourced from the finest farms and processed at the state of art facilities. We strive to continually raise our benchmark to provide services of the highest quality and excellence. The products guarantee fresh and high quality in every pack.

Surya Products have now become a reality through online & offline modes. Our stores are equipped with smart technology to provide world-class service to our customers. Apart from these exclusive segments, we also house our private label products, which include provisions such as grooms, home needs, and more. Our goal is to help our customers and their families to enjoy healthier life!

Surya products food processing is the process to ensure food product safety and extend shelf life. These processes and the associated steps make up one of the larger manufacturing industries. Most of the food processing history is based on the preservation of food products, either to control human health concerns or to extend the products' shelf life.

Our mission is to provide unique culinary experiences and healthy living solutions to consumers.

We strive to adopt new technologies and diversify our product range as per the market trends and demands.

Surya Products delivers quality products that are handpicked, processed, and packed hygienically.

Surya Products are manufactured, processed & repacked under the most hygienic conditions. Our production units are regularly monitored and supervised by QC Team, and we have over 100 qualified workers. This ensures that our customers get the best quality products consistently. We do all types of packing 50G, 100G, 250G, 500G, and 30Kg. Even all products can be packed in any pouch size, as per requirements.

In Surya products, we have a total of 50 products and around AP and Telangana and orisa we have 200 to 500 distributors we supply our products to modern trade.

Our Products

Instant Biryani Mix Javva Wheat Ravva Bansi Wheat Ravva Green Gram Rice Ravva Ragi Flour Dosa Mix Flour Gram Flour Rice Flour Barley Flour Suji Flour Chilli Powder Starch Powder Mustard Powder Soya Chunks Tamarind Soya Chunks Sagoo Menthaku Soda Scabers Brooms